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Students Found A Lot Of Wealth Hidden Inside A Secondhand Sofa

Having a sofa is one way to get a relaxing morning while drinking a coffee and watching your favorite television show but what if you found something like a wad of cash lying in the crevice of your sofa?

These students bought a secondhand couch for $20 from a charity store they didn't know what is the real value of the couch.

    (Image Courtesy Of The Little Rebellion)

The couch they bought has been transferred to their home and not long after they discovered a bubble wrapped envelopes that contain a lot of cash.

After watching a movie the students said that they felt crinkles in two side pillows built into the couch and when they checked the sofa they discovered a bubble wrap envelopes that contains a lot of cash.

                     (Image Courtesy Of The Little Rebellion)

Upon finding one envelope they tore the couch apart looking for more and they got about 2-3 envelopes that contain some cash. The cash they found is in the total of $41,000 and fortunately, there was a name written on one of the envelopes.

The students told their parents about it and helped them find the real owner of the cash. Luckily they found the rightful owner of the find and gave it back.

The student said that they don't regret doing the right thing and are even planning to have dinner with the elderly woman who is the rightful owner of the cash they had found.

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Source: dailymail, thelittlerebellion





