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Couple Found A Safe While Renovating Their Kitchen

Hanging around in your kitchen is really nice and by hanging around I meant eating around. The kitchen is the holy grail for food lovers and not only you can find food in the kitchen you can also find some secret safe.

This couple moves in their new home two years ago and finally decided that its time to renovate their kitchen and as they started to tear the place down they discovered a secret safe.

    (Image Courtesy Of craveonline)

    (Image Courtesy Of craveonline)

But there is one problem the safe is locked and needs a code luckily when they first move into the house they found a safe code hidden in the back of a medicine cabinet.

The code matches the safe's lock and when they opened it they discovered a BINGO card, a bottle of James E pepper, a book, and tons of cash.

    (Image Courtesy Of craveonline)

The cash mostly consists of $100 bills and when they counted all the bills they got a total of $51,080.

The bottle James E. Pepper they found inside the safe is an American whiskey brand and producer. The brand is named after a historic individual, the Colonel James E. Pepper.

    (Image Courtesy Of craveonline)

The book they found is "A Guide for the Perplexed by E.F. Schumacher." and inside the book lies a photo. On the back of the photo is a note which reads "Alan, I have a book you must read. I've underlined a few key passages. Your friend, Vincent."

    (Image Courtesy Of craveonline)

    (Image Courtesy Of craveonline)

The couple hasn't decided on what they are going to do about the money and said that if Alan is still out there, it was meant for him after all.

    (Image Courtesy Of craveonline)

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Source: craveonline





