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Relics Of The Past Found In A Hidden Sealed Bunker

There still many historical relics, treasure, artifacts of the past buried underneath the ground. Finding those relics would be a huge contribution to the history because behind those are stories.

YouTube user WW2HistoryHunter shared his amazing find of a historical bunker that contains relics of the past.

He encountered the bunker somewhere in Germany and when he saw the bunker he knows he had to investigate what secret lies inside.

He was venturing in the woods when he noticed something large protruding out of the pile of leaves and as he looks closer he saw the front of the bunker and it is completely sealed off by hundreds of large stones.

    (Photo Credits To WW2HistoryHunter/boredomtherapy)

    (Photo Credits To WW2HistoryHunter/boredomtherapy)

During his investigating of the is he found some live rounds of machine guns and not far away he found a large crate that contains more ammunition as well as a few tubes of vintage German toothpaste.

    (Photo Credits To WW2HistoryHunter/boredomtherapy)

Before he starts his exploration he had to bring his camera and slowly lowered it down on a ventilation shaft hoping that he could discover something.

    (Photo Credits To WW2HistoryHunter/boredomtherapy)

The camera showed a brick wall and later on, he explored it.

    (Photo Credits To WW2HistoryHunter/boredomtherapy)

    (Photo Credits To WW2HistoryHunter/boredomtherapy)

    (Photo Credits To WW2HistoryHunter/boredomtherapy)

He didn't dismantle the wall but instead, he drilled a small hole for him to insert a tiny camera through the gap in order to see what lies ahead but there wasn't enough light to see anything. So he decided to use his two flashlights and lowered it to act as his lighting.

    (Photo Credits To WW2HistoryHunter/boredomtherapy)

This is what he saw and then he checked what lies ahead of the found these treasures.

    (Photo Credits To WW2HistoryHunter/boredomtherapy)

He found a number of buttons and medals with a Nazi insignia that belonged to a German soldier's uniforms.

    (Photo Credits To WW2HistoryHunter/boredomtherapy)

These are some of the other stuff he found.

    (Photo Credits To WW2HistoryHunter/boredomtherapy)

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Source: boredomtheraphy





