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Couple Found 33ft Deep Medieval Well Under Their Living Room Sofa

People who love medieval stuff will surely be head over heels on this historic find. A 33ft-deep medieval well found under a sofa is something that anyone couldn't believe. 61-year-old Collen Steer and his wife Vanessa were really fascinated by the historic find.

    (Photo Credits To South West News Service)

The couple has been living in their house for over 24 years when they first noticed something like a slight indentation in the living room floor.

    (Photo Credits To South West News Service)

Mr. Steer is quite excited of the find and wanted to clear up the well to see if he could find some treasure at the bottom of the well and just five feet into the dig he made he found an old sword.

Mr. Steer had some help from a local man and they spent three days on clearing the medieval well, they used a bucket and a rope to pull up the debris.

    (Photo Credits To South West News Service)

He then put some lighting inside the well also he tidied it up and built a trap door into the living room floor for easy access for everyone.

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Source: dailymail





