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Archaeologists Found World War One Artifacts Buried Underneath The Dirt

Archaeologists are on the quest to find ancient artifacts in Israel and they uncovered some remnants of the past. The treasure they found was from the epic world war one battle between the British and Ottoman forces.

    (Photo Credits To Clara Amit, Israel Antiquities Authority)

The archaeologists were exploring the are when they discovered the artifacts and a student found a bullet casing buried in the soil that's when it triggered them to search for other artifacts.

The artifacts they found is almost a century-old which includes dozens of bullet cartridges and artillery shell shrapnel as well as a well-preserved British Army insignia that once attached to a military cap.

    (Photo Credits To Clara Amit, Israel Antiquities Authority)

They also found the remains of two Ottoman military outposts. The bullet casing and shell fragments were from the Ottoman origin.

Imagine that finding a British insignia and fragments of the rifles shells in the area will give you a hint that it illustrates the historical event.

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Source: dailymail





