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This Parrot Reveals Man's Affair With House Maid To Wife By Repeating Smutty Schats - Boy Trending

A man almost got himself sent to prison after their parrot pet exposed his affair with the housemate.

An article by Jen Mills for metro said the alleged affair of the man and their maid was exposed after their parrot started to repeat flirty phrases in front of his wife, who hadn't heard anything like that fro some time. 

According to reports, the wife had been wondering for some time about her husband's possible relationship with their maid at their home in Kuwait. By the time the bird started echoing what it had overheard, the wife seized on it as evidence and went to police.

In the gulf state, adultery is illegal and punishable by a potential prison sentence or even hard labor.

Authorities said that the parrot as evidence could not be admitted in court, as it could not be proved whether the bird hadn't heard the intimate conversation on Tv or the radio.

Apparently, it's not the first time a parrot has exposed its owner.

According to an article published by BBC News last 2016, a parrot owner was alerted to his girlfriend's infidelity when his talkative pet revealed the secret by squawking " Iloveyou, Garry.

Suzy had been meeting former work colleague "Gary" for four months in the flat she shared with her partner Chris. Chris apparently became suspicious after his pet croaked "Hiya Gary" when collins answered her phone.

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