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Huge Quantity Of Anglo-Saxon Silver Coins Found By Treasure Hunters

It is common for metal detector enthusiasts to find some treasures like medieval rings, world war two memento's and silver/gold coins but it is rare to find a huge hoard of silver coins piled up in one spot.

     (Photo Credits To Buckinghamshire County Museum)

A group of metal detector enthusiasts discovered a huge amount of silver coins dating back to the Anglo-Saxon period on a farm near Lenborough, Buckinghamshire. There was a Christmas gathering organized by the Weekend Wanderers Detecting Club when one member discovered the silver coins it is said that the coins where 5,251 in number and is buried 2ft down in a field.

                  (Photo Credits To Weekend Wanderers Detecting Club)

The silver coins they found has an estimated worth of £1m in total and is said that it could be worth more because some of the coins are larger than the others.

     (Photo Credits To Weekend Wanderers Detecting Club)

On the Treasure Act 1996, it is indicated that any items that have been found in England and Wales are the property of the owner of the land it was found on. However, metal detector enthusiasts often come to agreements with landowners to split the revenue from the sale of the treasure they had found.  However, if the coroner declares the find to be "treasure", the items belong to the Crown. Museums will then raise funds to buy the items, and only if no museum buys the treasure can the landowner, or its finder, keep it.

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Source: ibtimes





