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While Planting Flowers This Man Encountered A Sealed Canister

You might be thinking that all things that are found in the backyard or garden would be treasures but you are wrong this man was planting some flowers in his garden when he encountered this sealed canister and anyone who would've uncovered this will be eager to open it in hopes of discovering some gold coins or silver coins but this man didn't expect what he found inside the sealed canister.

           (Photo Credits To Reddit/ValjeanLucPicard)

    (Photo Credits To Reddit/ValjeanLucPicard)

As you can see it is sealed shut and everyone who would see this will give them a feeling of curiosity what's inside. The canister or container rather looks like a glass container.

    (Photo Credits To Reddit/ValjeanLucPicard)

He broke the (some kind of tape) to see what's inside.

             (Photo Credits To Reddit/ValjeanLucPicard)

He used a supposed bread knife to unravel what is hidden inside the container and as you can see in the picture below the substance is quite disgusting.

         (Photo Credits To Reddit/ValjeanLucPicard)

You think that substance is gross and creepy? What lies beyond those is creepier.

                (Photo Credits To Reddit/ValjeanLucPicard)

He found a picture of his landlord from she was way younger.

            (Photo Credits To Reddit/ValjeanLucPicard)

There was something else besides the photo, there is some kind of fabric that seems to belong to a dress and a piece of paper that has some writing on it.

        (Photo Credits To Reddit/ValjeanLucPicard)

ValjeanLucPicard decided to call his landlord and asked what should Valjean and his wife should with those items. When the landlord saw what they had found, she immediately told them that they must burn it because it is probably cursed.

               (Photo Credits To Reddit/ValjeanLucPicard)

After burning the landlord poured holy water on the ashes and the hole to life the supposed curse.

             (Photo Credits To Reddit/ValjeanLucPicard)

You know what they say "They sealed them for a reason" maybe it for treasure or some crazy cursed sealed canister that was hidden underneath your garden. How about you what would you do if you find this?

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Source: Reddit





