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Safe Hidden Beneath A Carpet Discovered Inside A Old Farmhouse

The family of Redditor evilenglish is preparing to sell their old farmhouse so they decided to clean the farmhouse but during the cleaning evilenglish noticed something in one of the closets under the stairs hidden beneath a carpet is a hidden safe that no one knew about.

    (Photo Credits To Redditor evilenglish) 

    (Photo Credits To Redditor evilenglish) 

    (Photo Credits To Redditor evilenglish) 

He had spent days trying to open and finally came to a decision to call a locksmith to open the safe.

When they opened the safe they got shocked when they saw whats inside. It consists of his grandparent's mementos.

    (Photo Credits To Redditor evilenglish) 

    (Photo Credits To Redditor evilenglish) 

    (Photo Credits To Redditor evilenglish) 

    (Photo Credits To Redditor evilenglish) 

Coins, watches, jewelry and much more.

    (Photo Credits To Redditor evilenglish) 

    (Photo Credits To Redditor evilenglish) 

                      (Photo Credits To Redditor evilenglish) 

And some years ago they also found another safe under the coffee table in their house and guess whats inside it's their grandfather's collection of different kinds of pistols.

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Source: ksl





