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A 5000-Year-Old Chariot Toy Car Found By Archaeologists

The toy car has been found during an excavation in the ancient city of Sogmatar and the toy is made from earthenware.

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Archeologists believe that the chariot could be the world's oldest toy car.

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Many diggings have occurred in the city and there are a lot of tombs that have been uncovered which includes a child's grave where the toy chariot was found.

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In the year 2014, there was a 4,000-year-old baby's rattle finding that is considered to be the world's oldest toy.

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Celal Uludas is Sogmatar Excavation Head said that "The item will be exhibited in the biggest museum complex of Turkey, the Sanliurfa Archaeology Museum. We believe that we are going to find even more important things in the excavation."

    (Photo Credits To Getty Images)

Finding a 5000-year-old toy intact and in good condition is like a dream come true. Imagine it survived rough weathers that have occurred in the past and we are talking about 5000 years here it could have been damaged greatly. Fortunately, they found it before any damage was done.

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Source: dailymail





