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Wow Just Wow If This Is The World We Live In Then We Are Not Safe At All

Wow Just Wow If This Is The World We Live In Then We Are Not Safe At All

Victim shaming or victim blaming occurs when the victim of a crime or any wrongful act is held entirely or partially responsible for the harm that befell them. The study of victimology seeks to mitigate the perception of victims as responsible. There is a greater tendency to blame victims of rape than victims of robbery if victims and perpetrators know each other.

There many examples of victim blaming especially in social media like the who girls who filmed the actual crime for evidence and they posted them on social media to warn others and also to bring justice to them but instead of helping them many people judged the girls who filmed them because "Why didn't you screamed or why didn't you fight?" "Why are you wearing those kinds of clothes?" "You don't want to get harassed? Then why do you show parts of your body? By wearing skirts? Why do you wear sando?" people in social media always say these words. But for these youngsters who shared with us their thoughts, it isn't the FAULT of the victim wearing something that is normal it is the fault of the CRIMINALS for not being DISCIPLINED and for not CONTROLLING their LUST.

Let's read what these millennials have to say about this scenario happening since ancient times.

Fault of Being Unsafe

“You got raped? What did you wear on that day?” The idea that people deserve on what happens to them is so pathetic! Yes! This is just irrational thinking seeing a woman wearing sexy clothing and then claims she was raped. Many people would easily have their two cents on the issue and will just comment on the issue as if what has happened was the outcome of wearing those sexy and revealing clothing. Hey. Hey. Hey. Stop! Why in the world of hypocrites always believes that the consequences of our action will justify the crime? Isn’t it ridiculous? Another, in some household, when husband and wife fight and the wife has this battered wife syndrome. Immediately, people will blame the wife of the series of beating. A lot would say, “She was beaten once, but she still stayed. It’s all her fault! She’s stupid martyr.” Gosh! Where in the world would people pick those blame on the wife? Is it her fault to think of her family especially her children than to think of her own?

Usually, victim shaming happens mostly in crimes like rape, sexual assault, even domestic crimes. There are a numerous number of people who think that those victims of crimes could have taken precautions in order for them to protect themselves. That is what the perpetrator has done to the victim was as if just a normal reaction. What? Really? Is it normal for a man to rape a woman whom he thinks sexy or seductive? Is it being human for a husband to beat and hit his wife? Or is it okay to touch a woman’s leg when they wear short shorts? Wow! Just so wow. If this is the world we live in, then "we are not safe at all".

Why do you need to focus and sensationalize on the victim’s behavior where in fact what has done by the perpetrator is a CRIME! The perpetrator is the accused. When people heard from a news or read from a post in social media which is the most potent tool of information nowadays, they tend to have their cognitive dissonance that it has always something to do with the victim’s behavior or story as to why such crimes happen to them. Some would be sympathetic, some would be arrogant to comment. But for us, a crime is a crime. No matter what kind of defense mechanism you will put to that, one thing clear is there’s a crime. There’s a subject, the perpetrator who commits the crime that doesn’t need your huge empathy. The crime needs to oversee, investigation and evidence should matter. And there’s a victim that needs justice and they don’t deserve any cynicism from illogical people.

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