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A Man Returns Home 7 Months After Being Cremated by His Family

A dead person coming home alive is not your conventional homecoming story.

Sakorn Sacheewa, a 44-year-old man from Thailand’s Si Ka Ket province, returned home after two years working on a fishing boat, in a different part of the country. He hadn’t have a chance to contact his family during that time, so he didn’t really expect the warmest of receptions, but being treated as a ghost never crossed his mind either.

Source: nobledrift

Apparently, that’s exactly how his family reacted when he walked through the door on December 17, touching him to make sure he was real. He later found out that to them he had been dead for 7 months.

Source: nobledrift

In May 2017, Sakorn’s family had been contacted by police in Nang Loeng, where he worked, and notified that he had died of a digestive disorder. They were asked to come identify and pick up the dead body. They travelled to the Phra Nakhon district of Bangkok, where they received a death certificate and later went to pick up the body from the Faculty of Medicine Vajira Hospital of Navamindradhiraj University.

Source: nobledrift

The family had a hard time identifying the dead body because it was swollen, but one of Sakorn’s cousins, 33-year-old Nakornchai Pimklang noticed that the cadaver’s teeth didn’t match those of Sakorn, who had two front teeth missing. He told this to an official, who instructed the family to just pick up the body. They did so, taking it home to Si Ka Ket, where they held religious rites for three days, before cremating it.

Source: nobledrift

Meanwhile, the real Sakorn Sacheewa was alive and well, working in Nang Loeng, as he had done for the last two years. A couple of weeks ago, he decided to quit his job and return home, not knowing how dreadful his homecoming would be for his family.

Source: nobledrift

After hearing the story of his death, Sakorn remembered a co-worker from Myanmar stole his identification card and disappeared, but he simply reported it missing and was issued a new one by the local authorities. He never imagined that someone would ever use his stolen card to impersonate him.

Sakorn Sacheewa’s main concern right now is how to get his life back by the Bureau of Registration Administration, which pronounced him officially dead 7 months ago, based on his death certificate.

Source: nobledrift

Now the police has one thing to solve now – find out who was the man cremated as Sakorn. They hope to learn this by analysing the bone relics left from the cremation.

Source: nobledrift





