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This Girl Was Attacked by Her Ex-Bestfriend Using "Kulam" or Witchcraft Because of Envy

Not everyone believes in witchcraft, some people are being skeptical after watching some videos related to it leaving a comment "why does everyone believe in it." ,"this is so stupid", and many more..

In the Philippines, there are plenty of supernatural belief, myths, tales, and superstitions held by Filipinos, mostly originating from beliefs held during the pre-Hispanic era.

The myth of the aswang is well known everywhere the Philippines. It is particularly popular in the Visayas, southern parts of Luzon, and parts of Mindanao. Other regional names for the aswang include "tik-tik", "bayot", "wak-wak", "sok-sok" and "kling-kling".

Another superstition is what they call "Kulam", Kulam or "Pagkukulam" is a form of folk magic practiced in the Philippines. It puts emphasis on the innate power of the self and a secret knowledge of Magica Baja or low magic. Earth (soil), fire, herbs, spices, candles, oils and kitchenwares and utensils are often used for rituals, charms, spells and potions.

Recently, a video became viral on social media, Nick Banayo, who claims to be a faith healer and the one who allegedly defeated the woman’s "mangkukulam", he narrated what the victim has gone through while she was bewitched for a long time.

Watch the video below:

Some netizens reacted in the video leaving their own opinions.

Source: youtube





