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Metal Detector Enthusiast Spent Four Days Until He Unearthed These Coins

Working hard towards something really pays off just like this guy who spent four days searching a field in hopes of finding some treasure.

                      (Photo Credits To SWNS)

A 54-year-old metal detector enthusiast named Chris Kutler unearthed coins and it's not your ordinary coins they are ancient gold coins- thought to have been buried with an Anglo-Saxon king.

        (Photo Credits To SWNS)

The coins he had found have been sent to a museum for further study, analysis, and valuation, but it is thought to be worth up to £10,000 (₱673,770.08).

    (Photo Credits To SWNS)

    (Photo Credits To SWNS)

He said "When I found the first, I thought it was a wasp. I got a flash of yellow and threw it back but then I realized what it was."

Mr. Kutler has been metal detecting for a long period of time the amount of time he spent with his hobby is more than 25 years and also found Anglo-Saxon coins 18 years ago and those coins are now at the British Museum.

After scrolling on the internet he read about an article saying that they are where he found the first coins suggested more coins would be still in the ground.

    (Photo Credits To SWNS)

So he decided to go back and to do more metal detecting and all of his efforts wasn't for nothing.

The coins Mr. Kutler found are from the Dark Ages, around 620-640AD and the hoard usually associated with high status, or even royal burials.

    (Photo Credits To SWNS)

The British Museum will take up to a year to complete all their assessment of the coins.

Hard work really does pay off so if you have a hobby of doing something do it and I know for sure your hard work will pay off too.

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Source: metro





