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Depressed Chinese Teenager Jumps From A 3rd Floor Window After Finding Out Her Boyfriend Is Married And Had A Child.

Exactly what is it with heartbreak and embarking on a building?

Deny it or not, being heartbroken is really agonizing as well as for some, they preferred to end up their life due to it. There countless accounts of tried suicide due to failed partnerships have been reported and it is ever before enhancing annually.

Another teenager tried to end her life by jumping off from a third-floor building after she discovered that her boyfriend has a wife and a 10-year-old child.

The unnamed 19-year-old girl from China mount to a ledge on the 3rd floor through a window of her apartment building in Hangzhou and attempting to jump.

Luckily, the rescuers immediately set up a giant air cushion and the woman landed safely.

The air cushion measures approximately 6 meters by 7.5 meters in length and 2.75 meters in height. It is capable of absorbing the shock of a body falling from up to 10 floors. An average of 17 incidents a month in China have been reported to require air cushions from June 2005-May 2012. The life-saving device can be inflated within a minute. The woman could have died if not for the firefighters’ quick thinking and this emergency device.

The incident happened back in 2013, however, the ever-increasing incident like this is quite alarming. If you are a person who is not ready for any heartbreaks or failed relationship, better guard yourself. This life-threatening actions such as this are deemed stupid and unnecessary.





