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Because Of Heavy Traffic This Man Always Swims The River To Go To Work

A mans gotta do what's a mans gotta do this guy knows that being caught up in a traffic really annoys him and the other people too that is why he came up with something on how to get to his work efficiently and exercises him at the same time.

This man goes to work not by riding a bus, not by a car, but he swims a 2 Kilometer river. He does this every day because the traffic is so wild that it wasn't fun anymore. His name is Benjamin David who lives in Munich, Germany, he works at Culture Beach.

David has a YouTube video that has been credited to BBC, he said that it is quicker to take this route than the regular old routine and he's much more relaxed when he is swimming. But there is a slight problem that is his things he needs to work how will he carry them? He used a waterproof bladder in which you can stuff all your things you need and also acts a small life buoy. He said in the video that it was invented by a young man in Basel.

“When I am swimming, I am indeed quicker and also more relaxed,” David is heard saying in the video.

  (Video Courtesy Of BBC capital)

But before he swims in the river David always checks the water-level, and speed of the current for him to know if it is safe to swim the river. After checking he gets his stuff wear sandal for protection and jumps right into the river. Sometimes people will look down at him from the bridges and laugh, or ask what I'm actually doing. Sometimes he meets people and they swim to work together.

Once he gets to Culture Beach while wearing his swimwear he orders a cappuccino from a bar near his office. When his co-workers arrived he will notice them grin because of the heavy traffic.

David swims every day during the summer months but on winter he refrains from doing so on a regular basis in winter. However, instead of giving up on his favorite habit, David takes to the water on rare occasions and understandably wears a short or long wetsuit at the time.

David stated he got the idea of using the Isar River as a mode of transport because the particular waterway was one of the most popular transport routes over 150 years ago, connecting Rome and Vienna. However, since people upgraded from, traveling in rafts, the river has been discarded as a transportation passage. One should not be surprised if Isar becomes the choice transport for people yet again in the future, concluded David.

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Source: ibtimes





