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Metal Detector Enthusiasts Discovered Medieval And Renaissance Gold And Silver Rings

Metal detector enthusiasts discovered gold and silver rings while metal detecting and is nor declared treasures. The rings they had found are not ordinary rings they are medieval rings that have unique design and encryption to them. The two-member of Pembrokeshire Prospectors Society are responsible for these amazing finds.

    (Photo Credits To walesonline)

Keven Higgs is a metal detector enthusiast who discovered a late medieval gold ring while metal detecting the ring he had found is dated from the 14th century.

According to a National Museum Wales expert, Dr. Mark Redknap said that the decorative gold ring which is of part-hollow construction, with a hexagonal bezel set with a small uncut blue sapphire dates to the 14th century.

                (Photo Credits To walesonline)

FEARE·GOD·ONLI (Roman capitals) is inscribed into the silver-gilt posy-ring finger ring that was found by Mr. Higgs while metal detecting at Carew.

     (Photo Credits To walesonline)

Phil Jenkins found a silver gilt fede or faith ring at the Lamphey Community while he was metal detecting.

                               (Photo Credits To walesonline)

A gold religious finger ring is engraved with images of St Catherine holding a sword in her right hand was also found by Mr. Jenkins.

With the great finding, there are various museums that wish to acquire the gold and silver rings they had found. Well, who wouldn't want it? It is a piece of history and will be a good display in museums for others to see it.

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Source: walesonline





