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How To Lower And Remove Uric Acid Crystallization From Your Body To Prevent Gout And Joint Pain

How To Lower And Remove Uric Acid Crystallization From Your Body To Prevent Gout And Joint Pain

A gout is a form of inflammatory arthritis manifested by recurrent attacks of a red, tender, hot, and swollen joint. Gout mostly occurs to those people who eat a lot of meat, drink a lot of beer. or are overweight. A high level of uric acid in the blood may cause Gout. Diagnosis of gout may be confirmed by seeing the crystals in joint fluids.

In most of the cases, the overload of the uric acid is the cause of gout. It occurs because of inefficient waste elimination or excessive creation of it.
The uric acid is a breakdown product of purines that are part of many foods. Sometimes in gout, there are elevated levels of uric acid in the blood, also known as hyperuricemia. However, only a few of those with hyperuricemia will develop gout. (Hyperuricemia is an abnormally high level of uric acid in the blood. In the pH conditions of body fluid, uric acid exists largely as urate, the ion form.)

Joint pain usually begins over 2-4 hours and during the night. There is a joint in the big toe called metatarsal-phalangeal and is often affected by gout, accounting for half of the cases.  Other joints, such as the heels, knees, wrists, and fingers, may also be affected.

First of all, you should change your lifestyle and diet. If kidneys are not able to eliminate the uric acid, crystallization takes place and deposits around the joints, which results in joint inflammation.
Fortunately, there are some things which can help to eliminate uric acid and improve the condition of your health.

Avoid eating these foods or if not just lower the consumption of meat, seafood, whole grains, alcohol, foods that are high in saturated fats, and processed sugars such as high-fructose corn syrup. As an alternative eat a lot of vegetables and fruits.

Drinking plenty of water daily will keep your body hydrated and will eliminate the toxins and the overload of uric acid. Also, there are natural juices, fruit infused with water, and herbal teas can also keep your body hydrated. It is very important to reduce stress and engage yourself in easy physical activities or routines.

Natural tonics in the case of gout:

Baking soda

Baking soda is extremely beneficial for reducing uric acid in the body. Just add 1 teaspoon to 1 glass of water and drink it every day. In the case of a current gout attack, use the whole teaspoon.

Lemon Water

When the body has more alkaline than acidic, the system can prevent many health conditions, including gout. The lemon water can increase the alkalinity of your body, and prevent the formation of uric acid crystals. You should squeeze half of a lemon into 200ml of warm water and drink it every morning, before your breakfast.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Just like lemon, apple cider vinegar can increase the alkalinity of the body. It contains malic acid which is significantly effective in eliminating the uric acid from the body. Just add 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to 200ml of water and drink it every day, before your lunch and dinner.

The best foods to eat in order to prevent or treat gout:

Curcumin, the active compound in turmeric, is a potent anti-inflammatory agent and it has a role in renal protection.

Bromelain, found in pineapples can provide analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Flaxseed can reduce serum acid of subjects due to its amazing beneficial properties.

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