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These Kids Were Exploring An Abandoned House, And They Found This Inside - PH TRENDING

In the vast world of the Internet, there are many so-called "online urban legends." But if you don't actively seek out these stories, you'll most likely never hear about them.

If you do decide to take a look, you may be disturbed by what you find. One of the most widely known online urban legends is the tale of four friends who got more than they bargained for when they explored an abandoned home.

Two friends in Michigan decided to do some day drinking. As the party progressed, the two thought they'd explore the abandoned house down the street. They hadn't seen anyone enter or leave the home in over two years.

They figured it wouldn't hurt if they took a peek inside.

Two more friends decided to join them. They entered the house through the basement and began snooping around, finding mounds of old trinkets before slowly making their way upstairs.

The upstairs was just as cluttered as the basement, but even this amount of trash couldn't explain the horrid smell they were met with when they entered the room.

One of the explorers caught a glimpse of someone sitting in a chair. Assuming it was a squatter, the group abandoned all common sense and confronted the person.

When they got closer, they found something horrifying.

The body they saw in the chair was actually the homeowner's decaying corpse. They found a journal sitting beside the putrid body, which listed the food he ate the day he died, as well as the number of cans he'd sold that week.

Judging by the journal, which stopped on May 8, 2008, it looked like the man died from the flu.

His last entry read as follows: "Sick as heck. Flu. Can't eat."

The group was understandably horrified by what they found.

After mulling it over for a night, they called in an anonymous tip to the local police department. Within hours, police removed the body and contacted the man's family. All they knew was that the homeowner's name was Jeff, and that he met an unfortunate end.

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