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"We also deserve the chance to live the best lives that we could. To my fellow PWDs, we can do it!" Even With Down Syndrome She Proved That You Can Do Anything As Long As You BELIEVED In Yourself!

"We also deserve the chance to live the best lives that we could. To my fellow PWDs, we can do it!" Even With Down Syndrome She Proved That You Can Do Anything As Long As You BELIEVED In Yourself!

Brina Kei M. Maxino she has Down Syndrome and she wanted to tell Persons With Disability (PWD) that you can achieve your goal as long as you don't give up and believe in yourself. She worked hard and graduated with a four year degree in "Bachelor of Arts, Major in History". She posted her story to give strength and inspiration to those who have disabilities.

Brina Kei M. Maxino
Bachelor of Arts Major in History

Hi! I am Brina Kei M. Maxino, and I have Down Syndrome. When I was just 9 days old, a doctor told my parents that I could die early because my case was very bad. When I was 10 years old, a psychologist told my parents that because of my serious intellectual disability, I cannot even finish grade school. Today, I am 20 years old. Today, I am already working as an Assistant Teacher. Last May, 2017 at 20 years old, I graduated with a four-year degree in Bachelor of Arts, Major in History. I also earned my one-year Certificate in General Clerical Services at age 17, and earned my two-year Certificate in Associate in Arts at age 18. When I was 16 years old, I graduated from regular High School as Class Valedictorian. This is because I worked hard, and many people believed in me and they helped me achieve my dreams. To all the parents, relatives, teachers, therapists and doctors of Persons With Disability (PWD), or those with intellectual disability, like me, please continue to believe in us and please help us. We also deserve the chance to live the best lives that we could. To my fellow PWDs, we can do it! Thank you, all! I love my life, I love my future! I thank God!

Graduation YouTube Link:

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