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Filipino Dad Escort His Son to School Every day Using His Wheelchair

Many people cherished one disabled dad who was photographed taking his child to school using his
wheelchair. Featured on the Facebook page of TV show, Front Row, the man recognized only as Tatay Alejandro is said to take his son to school, whether it rains or whether it is a hot day.

via FrontRow

Their plight was tough because this father had to manually roll his wheelchair using his hands and the boy was already so big that he’s certainly a literally heavy burden for his father yet this noble man does not mind because he loves his son.

                                                                                                                               via FrontRow

There were other netizens who were more concerned about this duo’s safety, saying that it was rather
dangerous for Tatay Alejandro to be taking his son to school in this manner especially because they had to pass through roads traversed by motorized vehicles. Others commented how the boy was already too big to be ‘carried’ to school in this manner – but many also said that in a few years, he would surely be the one to push his dad’s wheelchair around. What do you think of this dad?

Source: DefinitelyFilipino, EliteReaders





