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This Man took Pictures of Sleeping Woman In The Bus But Netizens Blame Her For Incident - Boy Trending

Victim blaming is a rampant practice in today's society. It is when people decide to blame the victim for the incident that she or he has encountered rather than making the lender
responsible for the committed assault. Such cases are more usual with women
than with men especially when it comes to the scenario of a sexual harrassment or abuse.

This is what happened in this viral story. A footage of a pervert abusing a non-suspecting victim disappointed many people because it received a shocking response from the netizens.

Facebook user Durian Kopi O published a video featuring a man taking photos of a sleeping woman inside the bus. In the video, an unconscious woman was calmly resting her head against the window. 

However the woman was totally unaware that the manbeside him was already busy taking pictures of her. Once he finished capturing her photos, he then browsed his phone and focused on the lady's chest.

Instead of gaining sympathy, the victim was blamed by many netizens for giving the pervert an opportunity to do his disgusting act. Many netizens were of the opinion that if she wasn't asleep during the trip, the incident would not happen. 

Instead of criticizing the suspect respecting the unconscious woman by taking her pictures without her consent, the netizens decide to focus focus their attention on how "careless" the girl was.

Watch the video and tell us what you think! Do you think it is really
the woman's fault that she was treated this way by a stranger on
the bus?

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