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Creepy Sound Recorded While Exploring An Abandoned Mine

An adventurer ventured an old abandoned mine and inside are structures that are truly amazing but while on his journey there's something unexpected happened.

A strange sound pops in the quiet mine and at first, he thought of it as wind. He investigated a little more to clearly hear what he was hearing and it doesn't sound like the wind.

If it were animals or wind making the sound it would be ok but the sound is so spooky that seems like they were whispering voices and that caused the explorer to be freaked out.

Start the video at 12:00 onwards the spooky experience started at that time.

"Do you hear that? Sounds like aahh.. What is, that wind? I'm not sure if you can hear that on the camera?" He said.

"Do you hear that?" He said.

The spooky sound started from a small volume and suddenly stopped for a moment.

"It stopped," He said.

He walked a little further trying to check again if he is hearing it right then the whispers became louder.

"I don't know what that is but that doesn't sound like the wind, that's crazy." He said.

"Don't know if that's a bird or... I don't know what that is almost sound like snakes but.. Wow, I've heard weird sounds in mines but that's definitely creepy, I don't know what that is, so let's get out of here." He said.

Then he leaves the place and everyone who have watched the video got different reactions to the spooky sound.

According to some comments about the video, it sounds like some demons whispering while some say it was the sound of the miners giving him a warning telling him to get out of the mines.

The brave adventurer posted the video on YouTube under the name Exploring Abandoned Mines he also said on the video the mine that he is exploring is the old 150-year-old Waldeck Mine in Australia.

Isn't that creepy? If I were the one down there I would've run quickly as possible and unlike him, he bravely confronted it as well as very calmly walked out of the mines.

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Source: YouTube





