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A Boy Spotted Something Weird In The Lake He Told The Adults About It And They Discovered A Tank

They were walking by Estonia's Lake Kurtna Matasjarv when a little boy saw something very odd in the lake. Due to the little boy's curiosity, he seeks the attention of some adults that are nearby.

    (Photo Credits To boredometheraphy)

The adults then investigated what could the boy was seeing and closer inspection they discovered something that no one could ever imagine discovering in a lake.

The adults dug up a huge amount of mud and dirt to uncover what object lies underneath. They have done what they can but they are a little short on manpower so they decided to call authorities to help them.

    (Photo Credits To boredometheraphy)

They finally got the proper equipment that could help reveal the mysterious thing in the lake and this is what it looks like on the side of the metal object.

    (Photo Credits To boredometheraphy)

A little more digging has been done and it appears that the metal object is some kind of craft. Moments later they found a hatch.

    (Photo Credits To boredometheraphy)

    (Photo Credits To boredometheraphy)

Seeing this they are really captivated by the mystery they kept digging and finally revealed what is that metal object.

    (Photo Credits To boredometheraphy)

    (Photo Credits To boredometheraphy)

    (Photo Credits To boredometheraphy)

It was a tank from the epic World War Two and it is nearly in perfect condition. According to boredomtherapy, the tank appears to be a Soviet-built T34/76A.

You might be wondering how did the tank end up in the lake. They believed that the tank was abandoned in the said lake to keep it out of the enemies hands.

Finding something like this especially a tank is one of the greatest feelings. This tells us that the epic World War did happen and there are tons of relics out there hiding in places like this.

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Source: boredomtheraphy





