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12-Year-Old Quits School To Raise Money For Mother’s Kidney Transplant - Boy Trending

We all know mothers have unconditional love for their children, but how often do children return that love? We as children should give back to our parents once we can, little gestures will do too!

This little boy in China is showing the best example of how one can give back to their parents. 

Gu Guang Zhao from Henan, China was a top student in school with many awards under his belt for his academic achievements, he has a bright future ahead of him. However, he reportedly quit attending his school earlier in October to help his severely ill mother at home and to raise money for her kidney transplant.

Gu wrote a letter to his teacher earlier last month to ask if he could stop going to school to help his mother after learning that his 40-year-old mother is slowly dying due to kidney failure.

He began working at a very young age to help raise money for his mother’s operation. According to reports, the estimated amount that he had to raise was 500,000 yuan (RM320,100).

Unfortunately, due to his mother’s daily dialysis needs, the family’s saving has already been tapped out and landed them 100,000 yuan (RM64,000) in debt. Despite all these, Gu still worked his hardest for his mother.

The boy’s father reportedly left his job three years ago as a construction worker when he discovered his wife has uremia, a severe complication in the kidney when the urea and other waste products build up in the body because the kidneys are unable to eliminate them. These substances can become poisonous (toxic) to the body if they reach high levels.

Besides raising money for his mother’s medical treatment, the boy also volunteered to donate one of his kidneys to his mother, though it is still unclear whether he is a suitable donor.

Gu also helped out around the house so that his mother could focus on getting better.

The father and son worked together as peanut harvesters to raise money for the operation.

After his story went viral, Chinese netizens were touched by the boy’s unconditional love, donations started pouring in to help him in raising the money his family needed for the operation.

According to an online fundraising page, more than 500,000 yuan (RM320,100) has already been raised for her operation in Henan Medical University.

Gui also added that he had made a list of all those who helped the family and said that he will repay their kindness in one way or another when he grows up.

What a good boy, you definitely deserve all the praises you got and more! We pray that with the money raised, your mother would be able to go through the surgery and recover from it quickly. 





