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Talent On The Streets Found When Homeless Plays Original Piano Song

Everyone has a talent on their own may it be talent on sports, singing, dancing, playing instruments, and much more. Every nook and cranny of the streets there is someone who has a talent that hasn't given a chance to show it to the others until now.

          (Photo Credits To Viralized/storyful/Roslyn Pollard)

According to Facebook Page Viralized video, Roslyn Pollard was passing by when she heard him and just couldn't walk away. According to the video, his name is Ryan he is one of those people who have great talent but wasn't given a chance to show it to others until now. Ryan has the hands of a musician he plays the piano whom he taught himself, yup that's right his musician skills are all self-taught.

              (Photo Credits To Viralized/storyful/Roslyn Pollard)

According to the video, Ryan was estranged from the family. He had grown to foster homes no one took notice of his talent. In one of the foster homes he found a piano in the basement at that time he was only 8-years-old and seems like it was love at first sight. Ryan has been living on the streets for over 30 years and the song Ryan is playing is his own original song.

         (Photo Credits To Viralized/storyful/Roslyn Pollard)

Ryan said "I actually wrote that song", "I actually wrote it".

Roslyn Pollard "you wrote that?", "that's fantastic".

The song Ryan is playing is called "the beginning".

Watch the video below:

                       (Video Courtesy Of Viralized/storyful/Roslyn Pollard)

The video was shared by Facebook page Viralized, sourced Facebook page storyful, and thanks to Roslyn Pollard for sharing this awesome video of this talented man.

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Source: Viralized, storyful





