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Talent Found When Homeless Man Played 'Come Sail Away' On Street Piano

A homeless man walked up to a piano and stuns people around him while playing a beautiful piece.

The homeless man is Donald Gould a 51-year-old from Sarasota, Florida and recently went viral when someone uploaded his video playing a beautiful piano rendition of Styx's "Come Sail Away."

    (Photo Credits To YouTube/Sly Dylan)

A piano is left outside by a music store that has placed popularly-acclaimed outdoor pianos throughout the city for anyone to play.

    (Photo Credits To YouTube/Sly Dylan)

Gould got an offer from a nearby bar called Surf Shack as a piano player for their upstairs piano bar.

    (Photo Credits To YouTube/Sly Dylan)

Gould lost his wife and after that, he also lost his son to child services. He is now on a quest on finding his lost son.

Watch him playing piano below:

(Video Courtesy of YouTube/Sly Dylan)

Watch his interview:

(Video Courtesy of YouTube/Sly Dylan)

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Source: boredpanda





