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Miners Found An Old Shipwreck That Contains A Lot Of Wealth

These miners we're draining a man-made water lake along the Skeleton Coast when they saw some strange pieces of wood and metal along the beach before discovering the 500-year-old shipwreck which contains a lot of gold coins.

    (Photo Credits To dailymail)

This is not the only time that a shipwreck was discovered along the stretch but this one was the oldest and the first one to be loaded with coin and ivory tusks.

    (Photo Credits To dailymail)

After the discovery, it has been placed under the UNESCO Convention on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage. It has been named as one of the most significant shipwrecks finds of all time.

    (Photo Credits To dailymail)

They have discovered many different kinds of things such as copper ingots, West African ivory, Portuguese, Spanish, Florentine and Venetian gold and silver currency, weapons (swords and knives), clothing, and skeletons.

The shipwreck's gold and coins are about £9million.

Dr. Dieter Noli an archaeologist told that the Namibian government will keep the gold.

    (Photo Credits To dailymail)

Dr. Dieter Noli said 'That is the normal procedure when a ship is found on a beach. The only exception is when it is a ship of state – then the country under whose flag the ship was sailing gets it and all its contents and in this case, the ship belonged to the King of Portugal, making it a ship of state – with the ship and its entire contents belonging to Portugal. The Portuguese government, however, very generously waived that right, allowing Namibia to keep the lot.'

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Source: dailymail, FoxNews





