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Guy Loses Over 150 Pounds After Finding Out That His Girlfriend Was Cheating - PH TRENDING

This 26-year-old Mike Vaughan weighed about 448 pounds when he learned that his girlfriend at the time had cheated on him. 

The news and following heartbreak were enough motivation to propel Mike into a strict diet and workout regimen.

Mike started by joining a six-week weight loss bootcam which he followed up with joining a gym. 

Mike was able to lose 160 pounds in roughly 18 months and says that he used to be depressed and self-com into his own.

"It was such a huge change," he said. " I really struggled for the first six months but then it just became a habit."

“I was in a bad place. I started to sink back into it, eating junk food, not going to the gym. My life could have gone in one of two ways. Go back into a depression and comfort eat and go back to square one, or use it as motivation to really improve my life. I put everything into my diet and training, and I can honestly say now I’ve never been happier. Her cheating was a blessing in disguise.”

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