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Metal Detector Enthusiast Uncovered Treasure Coins Before Going Home

You know what metal detector enthusiast say another day, another treasure. This metal detector enthusiast tries his luck finding treasure in the woods but moments pass by there is still no sign of anything good that is why he decided to go back to the car and while returning his metal detector gave a wonderful sound.

Any kind of sound a metal detector makes is like music to his ears because one beep could be a ton of treasure.

    (Photo Credits To detectorists)

After hearing the sound he made a few digs and saw something on the ground that looks like a blind shell. He made a little more digging and accidentally touched the thing and a bottom fell apart in the pit.

    (Photo Credits To detectorists)

    (Photo Credits To detectorists)

When the bottom part fell coins have gone out of the container. He did a little more digging and revealed tons of coins. Unfortunately, the trove consisted coins of a low-value Medieval Poland.

    (Photo Credits To detectorists)

    (Photo Credits To detectorists)

What he found is still an amazing discovery and it is better going home with something than nothing.

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Source: detectorists





