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Explorer Found The Remains Of A Home Deep Within The Mountains

Brad is an amateur treasure hunter in Vermont, USA and he shared one of his adventure on Imgur.

    (Image Courtesy Of Brad/Imgur)

Before Brad started off his adventure he first spoke to a local hunter and he was given vague directions to what was believed to be the remains of a home deep within the mountains of Vermont.

    (Image Courtesy Of Brad/Imgur)

With the help of a compass and verbal instructions he finally set out on foot acroos the maze of stonewalls and forest.

    (Image Courtesy Of Brad/Imgur)

On his voyage he came across a fallen telegraph pole and those poles were all abandoned when thos living in the mountains moved on and the glass insulators can be found strewn about the forest floor.

    (Image Courtesy Of Brad/Imgur)

Brad almost gave up because instead of old basements he only found sink holes and that is quite a real bummer. Luckily he moved on a little bit more and finally found the remains of an early basement along a river. The stacked stone cellar had mostly fallen in, but still had a square shape.

    (Image Courtesy Of Brad/Imgur)

The artifacts he found is truly amazing some of the items he found are a tin plate which reads "Centenial Art Gallery", a clasp from a piece of ladies underwear (corset most likely).

    (Image Courtesy Of Brad/Imgur) 

    (Image Courtesy Of Brad/Imgur) 

    (Image Courtesy Of Brad/Imgur) 

    (Image Courtesy Of Brad/Imgur)

The most interesting find he discovered is this coat button, depicting crossed cannons and flaming cannonball.

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Source: Imgur





