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Chemistry Lab Discovered After Being Hidden For Decades

A hidden chemistry lab has been discovered and it's not your ordinary chemistry lab the room they discovered is likely to have a direct link to the third U.S. president, Thomas Jefferson, who designed the building, school officials said.

    (Photo Credits To Dan Addison)

The chemistry lab is hidden for decades and it appears that is it specially designed hearth created to be used in a nearby chemistry classroom when the university was first built in the 1820s, officials said.

    (Photo Credits To Dan Addison)

According to Brian Hogg, a senior historic preservation planner the room was likely designed after Thomas Jefferson collaborated with the first natural history professor at the school, John Emmet.

    (Photo Credits To Dan Addison)

It was constructed sometime between the year 1822 and 1826, it was discovered during a renovation of the building and it also survived a major fire that destroyed much of the building.

Everyone who wants to see the amazing chemistry lab will have a chance once the renovations are completed and the room becomes a part of the permanent display, officials said.

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Source: abcnews





