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Former Filipino Street Kid Pushing Carts To Survive Is Now A Successful Scientist In America - Boy Trending

A former street kid in the philippines, Fernando Kueahnel is now living in america.

Everything Fernando has now did not come easy to him, it took immeasurable offort for him to be where he is now. At the age of 6, Fernando's biological parents left him and his two brothers in the street of Project 8, Quezon City. Fernando wrote that "felt like a disposable diaper, discarded when soiled."

Later on, he lived in an orphange, Nayong Kabataan, wtich gave him another hard experience. He and his siblings were bullied.

"They do things  like taht or they put hot pepper on your eye when you wake up, or your lips or you t*t*  (organ), " he said.

When he was 10 years old, he managed to escape from the orphanage. In order to survive, he pushed a kariton and ate trash food in order to survive the streets of Manila.

He later decided to go back to the orphanage whe he found out that his brother ha a one-way ticket out of poverty and he is bound to America.

He said,“So, they were gonna be adopted, just the two of them, and then one kid ran away from the orphanage looked for me, he said: Your brothers [are] gonna go and get adopted, so better go back, so I went back… I’m not stupid, right? I came back.”

In Wisconsi, things didn't work out the way the siblings expected it to. Their second parents brought them back in another orphanage.

It was then that their now parents, the Kuehnels came and adopted them.They treated them like their own and sent the boys to public school.

Fernando even has to take an hour bus ride to attend an ESL (English as Second Language) class in Greenbay, Wisconsin.

Today, Fernando is a clinical scientist for pharmaceutical giant, Novartis. He has also written a book about his Journey entitled, “My Third Parents.”

“You have to determine what success is to you. It doesn’t have to be millions of dollars. I tell my kids, there’s no problems that can’t be solved. You just won’t like the solution, but the problem can be solved. The takeaway is, you do have to work hard,” he said.

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