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Isang matandang lalaki ang nanghihingi ng pera sa isang Cafeteria, tinulungan ng may-ari.

Finding a job these days is very difficult, the competition is tough as there are lots of graduates who have more passionate and driven to get a job. But the job-hunting gets tougher when one has a criminal record.

This is the dilemma faced by a homeless man named Marcus from Minneapolis, Minnesota back in March 2016. One fateful day, he walked into Abi’s Cafe and come across the owner, Cesia Abigail.

Marcus looked at Cesia straight into the eye and begs for money. But instead of giving him a few coins, the cafe owner asked him “Why don’t you have a job? You know nothing is gen to me for free right?”

The vagrant conceded that he has been searching for a vocation for quite a while however because of his criminal record, getting procured is recently difficult to happen so he was compelled to ask cash in the streets.

Cesia was saddened by Marcus’ story so right there and then, she decided to put her money where her mouth is. Coincidentally, Cesia was overworked during that time because she was managing an under staff cafe.

She had a eureka moment, she realized that she actually needed a helping hand. Cesia took to social media and share her one-of-a-kind humbling encounter with Marcus.

Her Facebook post wrote:

“I was short staff that day, so I asked him, “You want to work? I have a job for you! His eyes opened wide and his smile made my day!!!! He said, ‘I’ll do anything for some food.’ So now for almost two weeks, he’s been on time for his two-hour shift… helping take out trash, washing dishes etc.”

Cesia became an instant blessing to Marcus who didn’t realize that he will be able to land a job ever again. The job actually lifts up Marcus’ confidence as earning money through decent job uplift his moral.

“Once I pay him, guess what he does? He buys food from my restaurant — HE DECIDES TO PAY — because it makes him feel good. With his new job, Marcus has found new confidence in himself and he’s a changed man,” Cesia added.

Cesia ended her Facebook post with a moral story that will truly inspire other people, she said “Do something nice for someone today and don’t judge them just because they’re out there asking for money for we don’t know their situation… some deserve another shot. God gave me this blessing so why can’t I bless others?”






