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They Found Something In The Attic And When They Tried To Move The Panel They Found Something Mysterious

They Found Something In The Attic And When They Tried To Move The Panel They Found Something Mysterious

A group of Norwegian students moved into their new home and their landlord mentioned that there is a secret room located somewhere inside the house but the land lord didn't specify where it was. So out of curiosity, the student searched for the secret while documenting it. They uploaded the fascinating results to Imgur.

After a long search, they finally found the secret room in the attic, but they never expected that they would find something interesting. They never thought that there's something historic hidden in the house.

Check out this unbelievable but true discovery below…

After moving into their shared house, a group of Norwegian students decided to document their mission to find a secret room of which their landlord spoke.

                                  (Photo credit Imgur)

They reached the attic and opened the door then their adventure begins.

                                  (Photo credit Imgur)

At first glance, it appeared to be an ordinary attic. Dark and gloomy, but no signs of anything out of the ordinary.

                                  (Photo credit Imgur)

The secret room is located at the back of the attic hidden behind this wood paneling.

    (Photo credit Imgur)

One student stretched her legs against the wood paneling and they noticed the wall moved, then there was the room they are searching for. It's said to be a WWII hideout kept hidden behind a wooden panel in the attic for 70 years.

    (Photo credit Imgur)

The hidden room is narrow and tiny, it's hard to think that someone could hide in there. But as one online commenter notes, "Rooms this size were often used to hide a lot more people than you would expect. It was probably used by a whole family."

    (Photo credit Imgur)

There is a note written in Norwegian "If you have a bad stomach, you do not have access."

    (Photo credit Imgur)

They also found an alarm that acted as a warning light. It was wired to the wall.

    (Photo credit Imgur)

Torn, tattered maps of southern Britain and northern France hung on the walls.

    (Photo credit Imgur)

Here is the room in its entirety. Can you imagine a family living in this space?

    (Photo credit Imgur)

After wandering the room they found another discovery they found a shoe that looks like it can only be fit into a doll.

     (Photo credit Imgur)

So what do you think about this mysterious secret room? Let us know what's on your mind by simply commenting in the comment section located down below. Thank you for visiting our website.





